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All you need to know about going mushrooming in South Tyrol
a) Not in your residing town: make a payment to chosen town for an amount of € 8,00, plus identification document. Nova Ponente’s mail box 14722391.
b) Permits can be collected at Nova Ponente’s tourism bureau.
Where to go
Only in the town/area where the permit has been issued or in the town/village where one resides (unless stated differently by specific notices).

When going mushrooming
Only on even days, from 7 am to 19.00 pm.

Quantity allowed.
a) Out of your residing town: max 1 kg per day and per person (beyond 14 anni years old)
b) In your residing town, max 2 kg per day and per person.

How mushroom need to be treated
Mushroom need to be given a first cleaning “on site”, they have then to be carried on rigid, open and ventilated baskets (i.e. wicker baskets that allow air to circulate).

